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Phage Hunters Spring 2017

My Annotations

StatusPageDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
9CAUD:A0A0N9ST322017-05-15 17:05:22 CDTGO:0039624 viral outer capsid (C)PMID:20826161ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

The C-terminal Ig-like domain of gpV (gpVc) was fitted into cryo-EM density of the ϕ29 capsid in three structures. The domain was shown to fold into the superposition of gpVc and the intimin Big_2 domain structures. Figure 7 shows a density map of the ϕ29 capsid cryo-EM model. From the cryo-EM image, in Figure 7a, we can see only the superposition of gpVc. And in contrast, Figure 7b shows the Big_2 domain structures and how they fit into the gp8 density, further proving the presence of a capsid protein. From the combination of these two components, we can notice in Figure 7c, the lg-like domain of ϕ29 gp8.



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