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Talk:RefGenome Electronic Jamboree 2008-07 GCH1 and HSPD1

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Tips for editing the tables

  • GO ID: just paste in GO:number, the form will look up the term name.
  • Use PMID:number for the Pubmed - this tells the form to look up the paper and add the reference to the bottom of the page.
  • The table looks to see if you have a GO term id, a term definition, and evidence code, and a reference and then changes "required field missing" to "complete". It's not smart enough to know about needing with for some evidence codes, however.

Adding your group to the TableEdit form

edit Template:Joint_annotation

The list is on the line

Group||group|select| |DictyBase|EcoliWiki|FlyBase|GOA|MGI|PPOD|RGD|Sanger GeneDB |SGD|TAIR|WormBase|ZFIN|other

Add your group delimited by pipes --JimHu 17:59, 16 July 2008 (UTC)