GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.
Have any questions? Please email us at ecoliwiki@gmail.com
Scoring of challenges
Challenges vs New Annotations
Challenge points
- judges may assign points at their discretion.
- any challenger who is NOT challenging appropriately (i.e. unsubstantiated or baseless challenges to game CACAO) will be punished.
- points are cumulative - if the challenger corrects multiple minor and major problems, the points will be added for each item.
Identification of a Minor Problem
1 point each
- includes format issues
- PMC used instead of PMID
- 0005737 used (instead of GO:0005737)
- use of an unnecessary qualifier
- use of an unnecessary/non-applicable with/from
- use of an "illegal" evidence code (i.e. not one of the 7 permitted for CACAO)
- use of an "illegal" GO term (i.e. binding or response to terms)
- incomplete annotations (i.e. needs with/from, but not filled in; missing a required field)
- annotation that doesn't cite a specific figure in the notes field
- reference is a review or not a peer-reviewed article
- annotation is an exact duplicate of an existing annotation
Identification of a Major Problem
2 points each
- wrong protein page
- with/from entry does not have experimental evidence for ISA or ISO
- with/from entry has wrong UniProt accession
- inappropriate GO term (requires suggestion to fix, or will be counted as unsubstantiated challenge)
- evidence code (requires suggestion to fix, or will be counted as unsubstantiated challenge)
- figure(s)/table(s) in notes does not support annotation
Correction of a Minor Problem
1 point each
- correctly suggests right PMID for PMC entry
- correctly suggests fix for simple format problems (i.e. GO:0005737)
- easily identify and suggest the figure(s)/table(s) described in notes
- easily identify and suggest the correct evidence code
- easily identify the correct UniProt accession to go in the with/from field
Correction of a Major Problem
2 or more points each
- correct protein page identified & UniProt accession given
- more appropriate GO term suggested & explained
- more appropriate evidence code suggested & explained
- give the UniProt accession for a protein that could be used in the with/from for ISA or ISO as a "match protein"
- more appropriate figure(s)/table(s) in notes & explained
- new and appropriate article suggested with complete and correct annotation explained
Complete Correction
5 point bonus
- To encourage challenges, any student who successfully challenges and "wins" credit for the annotation will be awarded 5 points in addition to any points awarded for identification and/or corrections
Therefore, if a student successfully fixes the last issue, they will have earned >5 points, not necessarily on the same challenge (if multiple challenges were attempted). Challenges awarded >10 are not uncommon if there were multiple issues in the original annotation and the challenger was persistent and/or thorough.