GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.

Have any questions? Please email us at ecoliwiki@gmail.com

Help:User Pages

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links to SA's user pages

When you join GONUTS, it automatically creates a series of pages for you that you can access at any time from the upper right corner of the wiki while you are logged in.


The first link, which should be your username, is to a blank page that you can customize however you want. Actually, any registered user can edit your user page, and you can edit theirs, since the user pages are just like other pages. But we view these pages as places that our users can use as their own personal home pages within the wiki.

my talk

This is a discussion page associated with your user page.

my preferences

The preference page is a series of tabs for various settings that control how the wiki behaves for you. Mostly self-explanatory; See Help:Preferences for more info.

my watchlist

Shows changes to pages on your watchlist. See Help:Watchlist

my contributions

Shows a list of all the pages you've ever edited in EcoliWiki

log out

log out of EcoliWiki.