GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.
Gene pages
CACAO the intercollegiate annotation competition!
The Community Assessment of Community Annotation with Ontologies (CACAO) is a competition for teams of undergrads around the world to improve the functional annotation of genes. CACAO was developed and is currently run at Texas A&M University, along with many other institutions. If you are interested in participating, please email us - ecoliwiki@gmail.com. |
This page is to help CACAO students select the correct gene and gene page to use for their annotations. Annotations are entered on gene pages created by the GONUTS Gene pagemaker. Annotations can be made to any UniProt record, which includes both curated SwissProt and uncurated TrEMBL entries (See UniProtKB FAQ7.
Use SwissProt entries where you can
If there are multiple entries that are equally valid, use the SwissProt entry. In the case shown in the figure, there are entries that specify the strain of Azotobacter vinlandii and a more generic entry. Checking the NCBI taxonomy, we can see that the SwissProt entry is at a higher taxonomic level than the TrEmbl entries. Although the SwissProt entry is for a specific reference genome that may not be the same as the one used in your paper,
Multiple UniProt entries
In other cases there are multiple SwissProt and/or TrEMBL entries for different strains.