GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.
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Category talk:Refgenome Electronic Jamborees
Quick Guide to July 2009 Jamboree tables
All the required gene pages are already created on the 2 jamboree gene category pages. These gene pages have already imported any old annotations that were available. However, new annotations need to be added manually, and old ones can be deleted if necessary see below.
- Open the jamboree gene category page (this may take a while to download)
- Open the appropriate gene page using the link 'edit table' at the bottom of the jamboree gene category page NOT the 'edit' option on the right
- Edit/delete/copy existing rows
- Alternatively, add row (using button at bottom of editing annotation table) and edit as necessary (note reference format would be PMID:12070036)
- Save row edits
- New rows appear at the bottom of the table
- Save table when you have finished editing using the button at the bottom of the page 'Save Table to wiki page:xxx'
- Other editing options are available at bottom of page, such as revert to saved table if you want to start again!