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GO:0016021integral component of membranePMID:9555893IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay C
This annotation made on page: BACSU:XHLB
By: Sainanij (group Team North Phace) on 2017-04-29 19:39:21 CDT.

Team North Phace0

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
AAJohnson2017-05-06 08:42:42 CDT

PBSX is an operon containing four genes. You can't make a functional conclusion from a 4-gene construct. Look very carefully at the figure plus Table 1 and see if there is a line on the graph showing bacterial lysis as a result of only ONE protein. (I didn't see one, in a quick glance, but you should look more carefully to verify) GO term is inappropriate for this assay.

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Go term