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Category:Team Gorie Mayhem

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
unacceptableMOUSE:S10A9Darre002, Team Gorie Mayhem2014-10-07 10:48:45 CDTGO:0002543 activation of blood coagulation via clotting cascade (P)PMID:24691441ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

In Figure 1D, the Mrp -/- phenotype shows stunted thrombus formation. Inferably, the protein Mrp +/+, or +/- where + is dominant, or its byproducts, cause thrombus formation.

updatedbyinstructorMOUSE:S10A9Darre002, Team Gorie Mayhem2014-10-07 10:26:57 CDTGO:0030194 positive regulation of blood coagulation (P)PMID:24691441ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

In figure 3, MRP-14 deficiency reduces thrombus formation and size under flow, as well as collagen formation factors expressed.


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