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Category:GO:0070930 ! trans-translation-dependent protein tagging
name: trans-translation-dependent protein tagging
namespace: biological_process
def: "A protein modification process in which a polypeptide is added to a nascent polypeptide cotranslationally by trans-translation." [GOC:jh2, GOC:jsg, GOC:mah]
comment: Note that this term is not a child of 'co-translational protein modification process ; GO:0043686' because co-translational protein modification implies modification of a previously incorporated amino acid in a nascent chain, rather than addition of new sequence to the C-terminus.
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
synonym: "co-translational protein tagging" EXACT [GOC:jh2, GOC:jsg]
synonym: "cotranslational protein tagging" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "protein modification by trans-translation" EXACT [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0043686 ! co-translational protein modification
relationship: has_part: GO:0070929 ! trans-translation
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