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Category:GO:2000154 ! obsolete negative regulation of flagellar cell motility

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DAG for GO:2000154
60px-Warning Icon Red.png This GO term has been obsoleted.
Do not annotate to it.

id: GO:2000154
name: obsolete negative regulation of flagellar cell motility
namespace: biological_process
def: "OBSOLETE. Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of flagellar cell motility." [GOC:mah]
comment: This term was made obsolete because microtubule-based flagellum (GO:0009434) and motile cilium (GO:0031514), as referenced by this term, were determined to be equivalent and merged. When a merge for this term was considered, it was noticed that both eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins are annotated to it because its meaning had been ambiguous so obsoletion was considered safest.
synonym: "negative regulation of flagellar cell motility" EXACT []
is_obsolete: true
consider: GO:1902020 ! negative regulation of cilium-dependent cell motility
consider: GO:1902201 ! negative regulation of bacterial-type flagellum-dependent cell motility

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